30+ Years Experience in the Field of Nutrition


March 29, 2023

March 28, 2023

Are you in a nutritional rut? It happens more often than you think and it happens to almost all of us. We get into our comfortable routines where things like food prep, cooking and food shopping are almost done robotically.

Spring is a time for rejuvenation, so challenge yourself to get out of this stale (sorry! couldn’t resist but the word really works well here) space and search for a new food groove.

So how do you know you are in a stale space nutritionally? I think a big clue would be that everything should NOT taste like chicken!!! Except, of course, chicken.

Fight flavor fatigue and push your palate to a new level.

Go to a farmers market. Just stand there a minute and take in all the colors and fragrant smells of the fresh produce.

Now find something, one thing, that catches your eye (or your nose). Perhaps you found something you can’t pronounce. Ask about it. What is it? How do you prepare it? What kind of flavor should you expect?

The idea is to try something new, while keeping in a healthy vibe. Maybe the next time you’re grocery shopping, try a new spice that you’ve heard about. You don’t have to like it or ever buy it again. But think how much richer you might feel cultivating new taste buds and maybe exposing your family to being open to new flavors.

Spring is a perfect time to energize your spirit and your palate. You are making a valiant effort to improve the way you relate to food. And helping out our local farmers is an added bonus we can all benefit from.

Peace, B



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