April 13, 2024
Your nutritional fitness relies on making sound nutritious decisions. I am trying to give you the tools necessary to help you attain and maintain a healthy nutritional lifestyle. Stick to the basics! There is no replacement for healthy eating.
Let’s talk about this wave of injectables for weight loss.
The target population was originally Type 2 diabetics. The main goal of controlling Type 2 diabetes is weight loss, as many Type 2’s, but not all, fall into the category of overweight or obese.
These drugs are not a new concept but have certainly been improved and have received tons of supportive press recently. The definition of the target population for these drugs has broadened significantly, with clinically overweight or obese being the main focus.
Weight is not the only measure of health. But it is certainly significant and striving for a healthy weight will benefit you tremendously.
These injectables suppress your appetite. So weight loss is inevitable.
It may benefit your cardiac health which is another major win.
As a clinical nutritionist however, my concern is that quick success in weight loss may hinder positive changes to improve your eating habits. Relying on these medications without continuing the pursuit of nutritional health can be counterproductive.
There have not been noteworthy studies done about the long-term effects of these drugs. But so far everything looks good. Some people complain of nausea, while others prefer that nauseous feeling which keeps them from eating.
The goal to a healthy life is not starving yourself. Starvation is neither pretty nor desirable. When you start using up those nutritional stores in your body, your body may react to protect itself from starvation. Teaching yourself to eat well and maintain good metabolic fitness will definitely have positive long-term results.
Once you stop taking these injectable weight loss meds, your appetite will return and you will most definitely put weight back on. If you met your goal weight, how do you maintain without this medicinal help?
These drugs do not replace the need for healthy eating You still need to be mindful of what you eat even while taking these meds.
Depending on the length of time you were on these meds, damage may have been caused. One of the first rules of clinical nutrition is, if the gut works, use it.
Obviously, inadequate food intake is not the best use of your gut. Your body requires many nutrients to function properly and you can only get what you need through good food choices. Think about the ramifications of denying your body the fuel it requires to function.
Deep thinking about your nutritional health is what makes reflective nutrition work. It is a mental workout for sure.
Consider all the angles before diving into any drastic medical alternative for weight loss.
If you stop these meds and then resume, they will suppress your appetite again and the weight will come off again. This yo-yo effect will not result in a favorable outcome if it continues.
Should you choose this method of weight loss, please do so with your eyes open, ask questions and please continue journaling.
Believe me, I understand and empathize with anyone who has suffered a lifelong battle with being overweight. The harsh socialization can be brutal, leaving indelible scars.
Reflective nutrition can work nicely with these meds but there is no escaping the hard work you need to put into your overall health, mental as well as physical.
Don’t lose sight of this. These meds might help with initial weight loss, but other factors also come into play. They do not teach you how to eat well.
Committing to your nutritional fitness and honoring that commitment is a lifelong endeavor.
Creating a positive relationship with food can only be done through your hard work. Finding your way to good health is an emotional journey that will take you through so many levels of awareness of who you are. Stay mindful of each sensation as you accomplish each goal.
This is a journey worth taking because in the end you will be left nutritionally fit with a new sense of emotional strength as you reflect back on your massive accomplishments.